Saturday, January 1, 2011


Lately I haven't liked or enjoyed much of the food I've eaten. Which is worrysome because I love food and am a pretty good cook. Yeah, I've liked the holiday meals, but leftovers, even if super delicious (which they are) have been leaving me uninspired. I watch the food network, cooking channel, and travel channel shows but can't seem to get really interested like I normally would.

I've spent this morning waiting for a call from work or to fall asleep. The tv has been turned to a marathon of no reservations and earlier it was Julie&Julia. The sight of fresh roasted piglet hasn't even made my mouth water! The only thing that's stirred my brain is all the noodles. If I ever stop wanting a noodle bowl then check my pulse. I fear this might be a new depression symptom and have tried to cure it the usual way, even tastier meals. FAILURE. I am changing tactics and going back to basic foods like oatmeal and noodle bowls. Sidenote:I love eating a thick spicy soup on a porch while it rains big drops just outside the safety range of the swing chair.

I think I'm gonna go heat up some rice/tomato/sausage over a slice of french bread and broil some cheddar overtop. Take it with asprin so my heart doesn't clog and my hip doesn't stab me while working. Once I turned 26 I started falling apart. Slightly before, but I'm lucky I know what year it is. (Bad joke)

Hope your day is shiny and every meal is soul healing. Go get a peach bellini. Enjoy life or you're doing it wrong.

-Gourmet Gamer Girl
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